The Effects of Encounter Meeting Group Family Art Therapy on the Mother-Child Relationship
in Marriage Immigrant Family
Yoon Soon-hee
Department of Child Development and Education
Graduate School, Myongji University
Directed by Professor Park Boojin
The study carried out Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program for the mother-child of the married immigrant family. The purpose of this study was to verify the positive effect of mother-child relationship, parenting stress, and children's social skill after the implementation of the Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program to the mother-child of the married immigrant family.
Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program utilized art media in order to promote the understanding and acceptance about the mother-child of the married immigrant family through the experience of the encounter group based on a theory of humanism of Carl Rogers(1961), and to change to more positive family relations. In addition, as the mother-child of the married immigrant family and other married immigrant family had art activity together by applying the program, the mother-child experienced not only the encounter but also the encounter with other group members, and the program was composed to affect positive mother-child relationship.
The subject of the study to verify the effect of the program was the mother-child of the married immigrant family that had children from 6 to 9 years old. Mother-child 13 families as experimental group and mother-child 13 families as control group participated in the study. The application of the program carried out 10 sessions by 90 minutes once a week in the experimental group.
In order to examine the effect of the study before and after carrying out Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program, mother-child interaction scale for improvement of mother-child relationship, parent role stress and empathy scale for mothers to examine parenting stress, and social skill(cooperation, assertiveness, empathy, self-control) scale for children were measured. The collected data was analyzed by using SPSS 19.0 program, and the method of analysis is as follows. First of all, Mann-Whitney U was implemented for validation of pre-homogeneity of the experimental group and the control group. Second, Wilcoxon signed rank was performed to check the difference of before and after implementation of Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program. Third, qualitative content analysis by looking at the change in the process was implemented to analyze the change of mother and child displayed in Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program and the change between the married immigrant family groups.
The results of this study are as follows. First, Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program had optimistic influence on improving the promotion of the mother-child relationship of the married immigrant family. As a result, the decrease of the discipline behavior and the increase of the expression of affection were revealed by applying this program to mother of married immigrant family. Secondly, Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program had positive influence on the parenting stress of the mother of the married immigrant family. The parents role stress scale and empathy scale were used to verify the parenting stress of the mother of the married immigrant family, and there was a positive effect on both the scales. Thirdly, Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program had a positive effect on the social skill(cooperation, assertiveness, empathy, self-control) improvement of the children of the married immigrant family.
Meanwhile, qualitative changes in the process of Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program in order to complement the limit point of quantitative study are as follows. First, in the beginning rearing attitude of parent did not accommodate the children. Also, the children did not accommodate the mothers, and showed coexistence with adhesion and aggression. However, latterly the children increased in courageous honesty through empathy, cooperation, and self-control. The mothers became the change of the encounter as honesty through the empathy. Second, the change between the group members through Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program was positive behavior on interpersonal relationship while they sent a positive feedback for the work to each other and when they explained their work with giving an empathy and support.
Therefore, a significance of this study is as follows. First of all, Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program has the significance so that married immigrant family is able to be stable settlement in psychological support. Second, Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program has the significance to give married immigrant family that has a difficult to have verbal communication the opportunity which is able to be encounter emotional support that is filling with receptive, empathic, and honesty utilized non-verbal art medium.
Main keyword: Encounter Group Family Art Therapy Program, Married Immigrant Family Mother-Child Relationship